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hi, applysecret:
我是阴平,推荐拉手网 北京站今天的超值团购:仅售128元!原价283元的"吴地人家"红楼3人套餐一份:蜜豆百合炒虾仁+外婆红烧肉+精美四小拼+蟹粉豆腐+浓汤番茄排骨汤+扬州炒饭+鸡汁野山笋+竹蔗茅根水!欧美汇店/翠微店通用!邀请好友返利10元!


ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below. http://twitter.com/i/0ff7fe557cd07300f93278d83d696454a9c94d10



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

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ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below. http://twitter.com/i/54bf16a3e9ede0ab5e13af5c844ed2fa17e43959



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here: http://twitter.com/i/o?c=88pgIiwHc4qgviZBGs8%2B3nIV%2Fl7UZtqVSuS%2FWbYQN6YlFWFlEJmrhQ%3D%3D

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ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below. http://twitter.com/i/452dfc36935bbdd877f612fabc0ed134b341c6c0



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here: http://twitter.com/i/o?c=88pgIiwHc4qgviZBGs8%2B3nIV%2Fl7UZtqVSuS%2FWbYQN6YlFWFlEJmrhQ%3D%3D

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ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

ping yin wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below. http://twitter.com/i/ab01729239cecc0e4274f5f7bb8a4661ce25aaaa



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here: http://twitter.com/i/o?c=88pgIiwHc4qgviZBGs8%2B3nIV%2Fl7UZtqVSuS%2FWbYQN6YlFWFlEJmrhQ%3D%3D

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.